Why subscribe?

Proud Generalist is my way of sharing the stuff that triggered my curiosity recently. It broadly covers the overlap of tech, business, people & society.

Some things might be new. Some things might be older.

About me

Hello! I’m Gerrie Smits. People have called me a generalist, a lateral thinker, enthusiastic and friendly. I can live with that.

I work as a workshop facilitator, speaker, moderator and 'view-from-the-outside-consultant’. To give myself a fancy title, I call myself CCO (Chief Curiosity Officer), because I’m intrigued by the interesting times we live in.

People might know me from ‘Blockchain is WTF’, my book and related talks, but my interest and scope is broader.

If you want to get in touch with me, reach out and let’s drink coffee.

Subscribe to Proud Generalist

A Tribute To Curiosity


Curious about the overlap of tech, business people & society. Proud Generalist.